Black Friday ecommerce strategy – double your profits – and double them again in 2022!


We’ve entered a very special time of year friends. It’s early November and we’ve just entered Double Doubling Season. A time of the year when incredible things are possible – – when huge outcomes swing in the balance – when you can create outcomes that change your business forever. And in this episode we’re going to explain it so that going forward you FOREVER, remember this phrase, this time of year, and this set of activities. … What am I talking about? It’s a time of year when you can double your income in 2 unique ways – a double doubling. And in this episode, we’re going to break it down for you.

What you’ll learn

  • Why November and December are special (kyros) moments.
  • How to approach BFCM with an eye toward year-end profit generation.
  • The annual planning calendar and how to set yourself up for an amazing year ahead.
  • What the phrase “Double Doubling” means.

Resources To Check Out

Some of the resources on this page may be affiliate links, meaning we receive a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you use that link to make a purchase. We only promote those products or services that we have investigated and truly feel deliver value to you.

having a coach, having a mastermind group, having people
who you can be open and transparent with it’s so insanely valuable where they
can help you get past your limiting beliefs and
your, you know,
the corners you
painted yourself into,
where you just feel stuck, you feel trapped and you feel
like there’s no creative opportunity. The. The,
the voice of the outside or some
kind of times can be incredibly powerful.
Hey folks. Welcome back to the e

commerce leader. Today.
We are in the middle of talking about double doubling as Jason’s put it so
mysteriously and I can let you into the secret. What he means is doubling your
profits in remaining Q4. What’s left of
2021, and then planning to double it
again in 2022.
Now that’s quite the claim and obviously neither Jason or I have a
look at your books, your accounts. We can’t say off the top of our heads,
whether you will be able to do that. But in many ca
ses we’ve seen quite
dramatic improvements in profit, not the old top line, but what remains in your
pocket after your business expenses have all been paid?
So that’s what we’re going to focus on today. Really important topic
and, hope you catch
the fervor that Jason has for this topic and enjoy the show.
So the other one you’ve mentioned, obviously, just coming
back to your, your three

part framework, the profit habits framework sounds
really cool.
What’s in that?.
Yeah. This has been an exercise of working through, specific
tactical strategies in e

commerce companies with people that are. Great habits
that they can implement to benefit themselves in terms of the profit. And so
there, the current
list is 17, and it’s a, a booklet form and we’re going to do the
whole workshop.
I’ll have videos and instructional content and training on all of this,
by this, you know, next month. And so, there’s just, I honestly think there’s just
concepts here that. Maybe you’ve never heard about that. Absolutely
can be implemented again in any size business, in any strategy. I I’m sort of a, a
nerd on this stuff because to be completely transparent, I w I would rather have
all things being equal,
S you know, a $900,000 business where we have a great
profit margin than a $9 million business where we have a low profit.
I mean, think about the reality of running those two scenarios. So for
all of us, again, we’ve talked about this over and
over. We’re mesmerized by the
top line and to, you know, to that guy’s book, that’s that that’s a mesmerizing
idea. We all want to say we’ve got multi

million dollar, you know, businesses or
whatever, but the truth is that doesn’t pay the rent.
It doesn’t pay the mortgage, it doesn’t feed the kids and get them to
college. And it, you know, th the focus on optimization for profit is critical. So
that’s been. Thinking and planning for a long time, I’ve read all the books on
profit optimization and
strategy, even old, weird ones from the eighties. You
know, these books that have, you know, out of print, you won’t find a Barnes
and noble or anymore like that.
But, I love that stuff. And, this is, the, the, the nearest. Teaching to
my heart
currently. And so, yeah, so that’s, that’s just as a tease, I guess you
could say watch for that training. We’re going to do it as a, I think like a two and
a half or three day workshop, where we do special training, Zach’s gonna lead
the way I was so ner
vous to be honest, to share my 17 habits that I had come up
with Zach, because he is just as financial math.
And very successful. And I was thinking to myself, this guy is
gonna, you know, probably poke a lot of holes in this. And his response w
really, really flattering. And he came back and said, this is terrific. This is great.
I’m rereading it for the third time. And so, and so he’s gonna know he’s, but he’s
the expert, honestly, in fighting.
And he’s going to do the teaching. We
‘ll co

teach though. I’ll do a
couple sessions and probably kick it off and then he’ll do some real geek out,
you know, sessions with people on optimizing for income and
for profit,
for profit.
It’s interesting what yo
u were just explaining, but one of the, people
in our mastermind, isn’t just a, an accountant.
He does some pretty sophisticated stuff and he’s, he has quite a large
amount of money in a day job or has done in the past before he’s arms and
ess. And. So I know the feeling of standing in front of a financial expert
and talking about finance. The truth is though, I think there’s an incredibly
fruitful, dynamic.
If you set it up right between the financial experts who are very
to sophisticated things and measurement and an entrepreneur who is
very, very geared to. Not just the operational, it’s not COO thinking. It’s CEO is
like, where are we going with this? What, what is what actually matters? And
then this sort of to your phr
ase, horseshoes and hand grenades, and like, how do
I make more money appear in my account and keep it that simple primitive
question will drive a sophisticated person to come up with, you know, to force
them, to simplify their thoughts and then simplify t
hem again to the point where
you understand.
Sometimes sophisticated concepts are driven by quite simple needs.
And I think there’s incredibly fruitful conversations. I have to say my
experience. So, so let’s go to people even start with these p
rofit habits. You’ve
got 17, I guess we haven’t got time to do 17, but what, what are the starting
points for doing it for yourself?
Yeah. No happy to give the, the first one on the profit habits
list, which is also a perfect setup for your end of your thinking as well. And
that’s the, the, the first profit habit is to. Run your business with a
straightforward profit and loss statement
that you look at monthly, quarterly,
and annually with an eye towards profit optimization.
So a P and L if you use QuickBooks and you already have this done,
you’re like, oh, I do that. Okay, perfect. You already got habit. Number one on
wn. If you hear that and you’re like, oh yeah, I don’t really do that. I get
something from my CPA quarterly. I don’t really look at it. It doesn’t make
The category. Like logical for my real business, they kind of just
shoehorn stuff int
o some template. They have, you have a real problem. And so
that first habit is just ideal for people who, want to take the initial first step. And
that, that is a good. P and L and I would call, you know, a set of financials, P
and L balance sheet, a stat
ement of cash flows.
Those those would be your CEO level financials that somebody
should be preparing for you. And you should be looking at again, monthly,
quarterly, and annually. And, and so that’s the first one. Now, if you find
yourself on N
ovember 7th and here you are in the year, and you’ve got your P
and L sorted out and you know exactly how much top line revenue.
And you know how much profit you have you’ll have done. If you’re
really super efficient in your system, you will ha
ve done your books through
October right now, it’s November 7th. So do you have a P and L you’re looking
at, if you don’t, you, you’re not, it’s not uncommon, but you’re a little slow. If
you have one by the middle of the month for the prior month, it’s pr
etty typical.
And so, but let’s say you look at it right. The question is, could you
do anything in the next seven weeks to double your profit and maybe that’s
unrealistic, maybe, you know, maybe say, no, it’s impossible, but could an
amazing bl
ack Friday cyber Monday and Christmas promotional event help you
double your profit.
Maybe you’ve got good sales for the year, but bad profit, but you’ve
got a lot of inventory. And so you’ve got some cards to play. Maybe you haven’t
ever done a
ny kind of promotion all year long. Maybe you’ve got a big email
list. You’ve never sent one email. I don’t, I don’t know what your situation is,
but these are the things to think about.
And so that question again, to talk about the double doubling, how
do you look at that P and L and say to yourself, I could, you know, I could
increase my profit by year, end by 35. 50%, 90% I can double it. You know,
what’s possible, I dunno, on small nu
mbers, it could be really easy, you know?
So I think you’re right.
People. If you, again, it’s the question. It’s the, the art of asking a
simple brutally simple question of a complex person or system. If you ask the
uestion, if you are Amazon or whatever, marketplace focused business, can
you deliver more profit than often? The answer is a lot bigger than you think,
because you will have underused assets because of the.
Shortage. Most of us have is simply t
ime and focus. And sometimes
we overlook giant operation or site giant opportunities. So one of the
mastermind members who we met in, in London this last week, and one of them
is coming, they’ve got 400,000 skews with a pre sort of print on demand
. It’s very complex and they’re across Etsy, Amazon.
And somewhere else, I think eBay. And, it turns out he’s got some,
probably at least tens of thousands of buyer emails. And it was wondering
about, you know, how to increase the conversions on
something. And we were
all sitting there going well, we could drive reviews like way, a lot of reviews.
But it’s this transformational.
So if I had to sit down with him for a day, this isn’t something I
normally offer, but maybe I should give h
im a ring and say, look, we should talk
this through. I mean, I dare say we could at least on paper, come up with a plan
to double his profits. If he really, really went to town and he had some luck on
his side as well.
So I think what you say.
It often with a more complex business is
more true than people think, because in a complex business, you haven’t got
time to look at everything. So you don’t, and then you have big opportunities to
sitting there waiting for somebody to turn into money if t
hey have that mindset.
yeah. Other reality that you just described as so common,
which is we paint ourselves into mental corners in our own business with our
own numbers, with our own system. And we say to ourselves, I’m s
tuck, I’m
trapped. I’m I’m, I’m painted into. When someone else can come and look at our
business and say, Hey, there’s a million ways you can make this so much more
And you’re like, no, you don’t understand. You’re like, no, wait,
ctually, maybe I do understand. Maybe you’re in a mental trap that you feel
like you can’t get out of, but the creative entrepreneur would say, what about
this twist? What about that twist? And so having a coach, having a mastermind
group, having people wh
o you can be open and transparent with
it’s so insanely valuable where they can help you get past your
limiting beliefs and your, you know, the corners you painted yourself into,
where you just feel stuck, you feel trapped and you feel like ther
e’s no creative
opportunity. The. The, the voice of the outside or some kind of times can be
incredibly powerful.
Yeah. I totally agree. I mean, that’s why I run the
mastermind just to one of the little points you just
made really important is that,
oh, my business is different. And for example, this guy is, you know, it’s doing
print on demand. Nobody else in the group is doing the exact same business
model, but they’re all selling on Amazon.
Some of them so
ld on eBay in the past, but yeah. I thought that is a
terrible mental trap, because a good CPA would just look at your numbers and
say, well, okay, so this number is very unusually high. Can you get it down?
And if the answer is yes, then that falls to you
r bottom line and okay. There’s
you need an operational expert to answer the question, but at least a lot of the,
the basic questions in life are very, very simple.
You know, can you drive more traffic? Can you reduce your cost of
goods sold if
not now, then in the future to your point. And I think, You know,
having a list of people who have actually bought your product, nevermind that
in the market for similar products is an obvious asset and nobody needs to be
rocket scientist to say there is o
bvious opportunity here.
So to your point, I think this I’m special thinking compare real trap,
like, oh, you don’t understand my industry. You. Do people buy widgets and
you buy them at another price or create them at another price. That’s the
of them is this model.
I love it. I totally agree with you. It reminds me of one, just
little mental concept, which I’ve reflected on over the years, because I used to be
a part of a really big system.

billion do
llar organizations and then million dollar
organizations. And I was senior. And one of the things I observed was that the
CEO’s that I watched do really well, do a good job. They had their seat, CFO,
their chief financial person, just, just really, really
integrated and woven into
their work and exercise.
Many times it would be the CEO and the CFO who would bounce
ideas. And, and in those contexts, what I saw was creative marketer or creative
person and the CEO. And the finance person being the s
ort of truth teller
question, asker nudger prompter, who would say, well, what about this
expense? What’s this?
What, why would you spend all that money? And those tension
points where someone is asking you the hard questions. If you’re an
preneur, those tension points, that’s where all the money falls to the bottom
line in a positive, constructive way. That’s when you’ll hear the voice of reason,
say, oh, you’re right.
We could do it a different way on either the upside or the, o
n the cost
setting side side, you know, the, on the, on the top, you know, revenue growth
or on the expense reduction. And those twists and changes, are so fruitful. And
I’ve seen that in massive numbers. And in a small kitchen table, entrepreneur
ns, it’s the same dynamic.
So there you go.
So interesting. Yeah. And I’ve also seen that the most
successful e

commerce business I’ve worked with so far has moved on into
eight figures now and had a CFO very integrated into his business operations
and same, same thing. Wow. So that was habit one o
r the other tidbits for us in
terms of how we actually, you know, actually yeah.
This philosophy?
Well, I think we’ve covered pretty well. The, the cyber
Monday, you know, black Friday cyber Monday a year in work, we’ve talked
about the profit habits a bit and tease sort of that out. And we’ll just do an open
loop on that conversation and leave it. You know this, this next month and ask
people to look more for that later.
The other thing I would just say is, you know
, if you, if you’ve got a
mindset set to say, could I double my net profit by the end of the year, then the
other part of this conversation that the other doubling that I’m challenging
people on is to prepare themselves for doubling their profit. Now, now’
s the
time to think about how would you do that?
And so that’s where you can be more strategic now, you know, you,
you still only have, you know, less than two months before we’re at January 1st,
but the question is what could you do starting Ja
nuary 1st to set the stage for
next year’s net profit to be exceptionally good and doubled. So you’ve got this
year to work on the double and you’ve got this upcoming.
To, to double. And that battle plan and strategy set is really, really,
fun c
onversation to have with people. It’s interesting. And I think there’s huge
opportunity there. If we’ll sit down and say to ourselves, what did you know
what worked in this current year and what didn’t work and what can we add?
That’s new and th
ey, oh, the book that is always my go

to for this
stuff is. By Eliyahu gold rate, famous business book, and it’s a parable type
book. It’s like a story type book, but it’s, the theory of constraints and business
optimization focus, and he asked three quest
ions, what to change, what to
change to, and how to make the change.
And those are masterwork questions in strategic plan. And prepping
yourself for doubling your profit in this upcoming year. And so there you have
it. I mean, I think that’s the thing that I would encourage people to really, you
know, if you feel like this
current year you’re in is a dumpster fire and you
messed everything up.
Fair enough. Okay. Call it a dumpster fire. I don’t care if it’s not
salvageable in any way, but you certainly can figure out how to get things
sorted for 2022. As we recor
d this, you know, this, this.
Yeah. And there’s another variation on that, which is
extremely similar, but I’m not saying it’s any better.
And by the way, such a great book, when you make amended it,
several times I went awa
y, my it I’m like, wow, this is so profound. I mean, it’s
such a great book, so totally, totally urge anyone. Who’s serious about business
books to read that the simple version of the start stop and keep lists, what are we
going to start doing?
What are we gonna stop doing by the way? Can I just urge everyone
out there? Who’s like me and I think most entrepreneur. Don’t just add more to
the start list without adding something to the stop list. That’s incredibly easy to
do you end up with 500,000
products are not quite, I’ve got one, one guy with
That’s the record so far in terms of my clients and, and, you know,
multiple business, you know, sales channels and, and quite a few marketing
channels, most of which do nothing for you
. But spread your, you know, your
mental focus to butter thinness, and beyond the main thing, I would probably
use the stop list as my main.
Please stop doing some stuff before you start
doing others. So, right. It’s so right.
And, and it, but it goes to
our mindset, which is to get further. We have to do more, but that’s the tricky
part about profit optimization too, to optimize your profit, you have two cards.
Yes. One is to do more, but the other is actually to do less becau
se when you
eliminate expense, when you eliminate head count, when you eliminate
services, when you eliminate things that you need to spend money on, that all
falls to the bottom line.
And that’s the, that’s the game we’re playing here when we f
ocus on
this stuff. So, yeah, I totally agree with you. Well, fun stuff, huh? What a topic?
Yeah, I love it. I think the, this is one of those interesting
situations, like almost like I was describing really in miniature, which is if y
force a simple.
Really serious question. Like how do I double the profits? Or how
could I, if we’re going to do it, and then you put it to yourself on a team and a
CFO, not, you create a financially sophisticated answer. It forces you to do a
sorts of good things and to think in a profound way. But it’s a very simple
question, but it’s the right simple question, right?
I think that’s the other thing is as the art of asking yourself intelligent
questions that I’m like, how do I inc
rease our Instagram followers or. You
know, somebody who’s fairly new. It was been asking away on my Facebook
group to the point where I sent him a private PM and I said, let’s have a chat
about this.
I don’t have, he can afford to time. And I’m
not sure I would want to
impose any more costs on him. We’re like, oh, how do I make my PPC work,
such that I could sell 500 units a month of this thing? At a profit I’m like, Hm.
Okay. So w why do you need to sell X units as my first question? And then
econdly, what are you basing that on?
And, you know, you start to ask the questions that unravel stuff,
because people are asking one questions. Instead of that, I would ask, how do I
make a profit, this key for the inventory I’ve got, because o
therwise, you know,
by the way, you’re going to go broke. So, you know, it’s a question of asking
intelligent questions, isn’t it.
And profit focused questions are always the ones. Yeah, well, look
big, big topics, one what’s one big idea then t
o simplify this down, that you
could encourage people to look up before year end, because obviously people
are very focused on this year, right now at this stage in the rhythm.
Yeah. I mean, if there’s one thing to focus on right now, it
would be a comprehensive.
End of your campaign strategy for black Friday, cyber Monday
through giving Tuesday and or Christmas time event. That work right now, if
there’s anything that’s absolutely top of mind, I would say getting that on
own is a hundred percent. This is the season to, to do that. And, and that’s
obvious, but you know, everyone is, you know, three weeks before black,
Friday cyber Monday, thinking what do I do for black creditors cyber Monday,
I would just encourage you to
get a strategy.
Go listen to our prior podcasts on that. And then I would also just
challenge everyone block out time on your calendar, book yourself an hour a
week, or maybe an afternoon. You know, where you’ve got. To reflect, to find
s, to ask yourself and to go through this three bucket know framework.
What’s my year in campaigning look like, and how can it impact my,
you know, profit? What’s my 20, 22 or the upcoming prior, you know, this
upcoming year, planning look like, and how can I double profit? And then in
general, what are my profit habits? Wha
t, what, what list of actions or activities
can I implement my business?
Help me succeed at these things. And, and, I think scheduling
yourself that time is probably the most valuable time you could ever put in your
calendar. And there’s not, th
ere’s nothing that would have been more valuable
than that in my view. So that’s, that’s my biggest encouragement.
Yeah, I really love that.
The only thing I’d add to that particular thought is block out time
with your CPA o
r accountant, if you don’t have a CFO yet. And if you’re big
enough as well, I would consider getting a fractional CFO. I’m an old chief
financial officer or financial director of you in this side of the pond. And a lot of
people get to mid mid seven figur
es without one.
And that’s feels dangerous to me. Like, I don’t know anyone
successfully has gone into eight figures with. Integrated as you set that very
integrated into the business. So the big decisions always have a marketing
angle, a strate
gy angle, and a financial angle. And as you say, that collision of
worlds is where the magic happens.
The only thing I would add to that really in terms of end of year,
strategies is more almost tactical, really, but I would suggest that you thi
strongly about repricing in an intelligent way that takes account of your stock
because there is a lot more profit to be had and a lot more price flexibility, even
with the old Amazon marketplace.
Ultra price sensitive turns out. Sometimes it
is. And sometimes it
isn’t one of our, probably pretty close to eight figure sellers in Newton dollar
terms, has been very obsessive with this recently. There’s a very good software
that I’ve teamed up with an actually the podcast sponsors Eva, Eva, to be
[email protected].
They’re very, very good. At, automating that process, not only for
resellers, which I know is quite a big and growing part of, of, of the audiences
you work with Jason. So retail ARB, online ARB, wholesale sources, but also
private label, they can handle both situations in terms of setting a price
And if you’ve any kind of catalog, even above say 20 skews, 20
product lines, trying to manually do that is, is basically becomes a full

time job.
And if y
ou’re the only person in your business, then that’s just not possible
because you already have a full

time job. So I would, I would encourage anyone
to at least check that out with a very, very good system, and very, very effective
for Amazon sellers.
Only at the moment they’re going to be broadening it across more
marketplaces as, as time goes. So I don’t know what the Shopify equivalent is,
but. You know, setting up systems and using automation intelligent, we can also
with it’s called delirious profit. It’s a great app. We
have clients that use it and it is super cool to have installed in your site.
And to look at, once you get it set up in your Shopify store, you
literally get addicted to looking in delirious profit. So it’s a great app for that. I’ll
also just comment that, as it happens, we are, Kyle and I are beginning to set up
the process for a
fractional com. Virtual CFO, role that, in fact, we already have
sort of.
W with a couple of clients, this conversation underway and it’s
actually, Zach is going to help us, pioneer that consulting work, in our business.
So he’s, he’s prior CPA
or current CPA and, and wonderful guy and, and expert

commerce operator. And, so he’s, yeah, we’re going to start to work through
with a few clients as a select set of clients.
This idea of having a virtual CFO. That can do a lot of what we’r
talking about in terms of speaking into the business. Yeah.
Yeah, that sounds very, very cool. And I definitely so sold
on the value of that. Like every single time that somebody talks to an
accountant about their businesses, likely
to make it safer.
If not, probably just better overall. One question for you then I’m
obviously you’ve, you’ve flagged up that you’ve got this workshop coming up
with Zack. I think it is where you’re going through the profit habits. How do
e, get hold of that? Is it already bookable or how did people find out more?
If not.
Page up yet, but we will have info rollout over the next few
weeks. We will. I guess probably be on our email list is the best way, or it’d b
following us on, on Facebook. And you’ll hear about it. We’ll be doing our best
to get the word out. And, so it, it will be a fun workshop and we’re going to try
to make it really accessible to everybody.
You’ll get all of the trainings and th
e whole thing. So yeah, we’re
looking for.
It’s a simple mechanics. How do people get onto the email
list they get to winning on or what were where’s the best place
winning on
Jason: is a place to si
gn up for the email. The e

commerce leader, is also the place to follow this, this podcast and all of the
work that we do.
And yeah, we’ll go from there. Getting it in front of people, over the
next few weeks.
Amazing. Well,
yeah, that sounds like a super powerful
session to be part of at a really so sold on this stuff there, we’ve kind of dived
down a few rabbit holes, but I think we’ll just start with the basic topic. I mean,
it is a deep thought provoking topic and you cer
tainly you’re a good person at
provoking profound thoughts, which is, I think really.
Really over, I think people underestimate how important this is. It’s
not just operational stuff. It really, isn’t not when you’re getting into seven and
g to push eight figures particularly. So can you summarize your thoughts
and a couple of takeaways for people watching or listening? Yeah,
To restate the top of the show info, we’ve entered a very special time
of year right now. I call it the double doubling season and it’s the opportunity to
focus on year end results in terms of net. And even pushing to double your
profit by the end of the
year, it’s still possible. It’s still an opportunity for us and
we have the opportunity to plan effectively for the upcoming year.
So it’s a really, really powerful time of year to optimize your
business. And it would really challenge you to do
that. The big ways to do that
are focused on your year in campaigning, work for black Friday, cyber Monday,
and any holiday promotions to close out this year. And then of course St
through your strategic plan for the upcoming year as well, and layer into t
your profit habits, things that, you know, you can do to be more profitable in
your business.
And that will serve you really, really well for current year, for the
upcoming year. And for course, There you go.
Amazing. T
hat’s a powerful stuff on what I think is
interesting is. The mental habits talking about ruts as, or the mental grooves that
we, we repeatedly create, become habits, become habits of thoughts, which I
think is so much more portable if you like than the ve
ry operational focus that
we all fall into, because who knows what Shopify may not exist in 10 years
And Amazon may have shut that it’s third party seller. Marketplace
didn’t exist more than 15 years ago. But these habits of thought are ve
transferable and I think that’s really, really powerful. Nobody can take that away
from us as entrepreneurs. And I think that’s super powerful thing to
yeah, totally agreement.
All right. Wonderful show. Thanks. Thanks for
it. It’s just been an
honor. I’ll do a little, a final commentary here. If you’re liking this. We’d love to
have you go check out prior episodes. We talked about where we talked about
the black Friday and cyber Monday, a strategy day partying plan and othe
strategic conversations we’ve had related to annual planning.
So feel free to go check those out. Of course, we’d love it. Highest
and best review on your podcast. Listener tool of choice. Spotify has been
particularly cool lately with people
opting in and subscribing to the show,
following a show. So we’d love to have you do that. W whatever device you’re
using to consume the show, feel free to give us whatever kind of review or
subscribership or like, or comment you can, however it works and,
read the
incredibly great.
With that, Michael, thank you, sir. It’s always an honor
Likewise yeah. Always thought provoking. Definitely
very, very interesting conversation. Thanks so much.
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